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800+ Patients Daily
Award Winning Hospital
Best Regional Hospital
Number #1
In the Eastern

OPD / Emergency Unit

OPD / Emergency Unit

The adult OPD, emergency unit, and casualty ward forms the eastern part of the eastern regional hospital. It is the most prominent entry point of the hospital, thus, often referred to as the eye of the hospital.

The adult OPD block houses the main records unit and the UMB bank outlet adjacent to it; the adult emergency unit; the information desk; most of the consulting rooms in the hospital; the casualty ward; the main and night pharmacies.

Prior to 2018, emergency cases were attended to on the casualty ward. However, in 2018, a new 9 bed (often increased to 15 bed) emergency unit fitted with monitors and piped oxygen was constructed just at the entrance of the department, opposite to the records unit.


The adult OPD, emergency unit, and casualty ward is headed by Dr. Attipoe-Djagmah Gabriel, a family physician. The matron in-charge of the department is madam Doreen Zaliatu Tanye (PNO).



  • Adult emergency unit
  • Adult OPDs
  • Herbal medicine unit
  • Casualty ward
  • Dialysis unit
  • Information desk



  • Primary care services
  • Emergency services
  • Wellness clinic
  • Wound dressing services
  • Specialist clinics

The following specialist clinics are available:



Specialized Clinic Day of Week
Antiretroviral Therapy Clinc Monday – Thursday
Asthma Tuesdays
Breast Clinic Wednesdays
Cardiology Mondays and Thusdays
Clinical psychology Mondays – Fridays
Gastroenterology Fridays
General Surgery Mondays, Wednesdays , Fridays
Genito-urinary Tuesdays and Thursdays
Gynaecology Mondays – Thursdays
Psychiatry Fridays
Renal (nephrology) Thursday and Saturday (every fortnight)
Sickle cell clinic Wednesday
Diabetes mellitus & hypertension Monday – Friday





The department runs a 24/7 emergency unit.

The adult OPD operates every day of the week including holidays. The working hours for the general OPD (non-specialist clinics) are 6am – 8pm on weekdays excluding holidays. On weekends and holidays, the general OPD operates from 8am – 8pm.

Make an appointment

We will send you a confirmation within 24 hours. Emergency? Call 1-2554-2356-33

Although pulmonary medicine only began to evolve as a medical specialty in the 1950s, William Welch and William Osler founded the ‘parent’ organization of the American Thoracic Society, the National Association.

    Department Address

    Box KF 201 Behind ECG, Koforidua

    +233 30420 23021

    Department Hours

    Monday - Friday08:00 - 20:00
    Saturday09:00 - 14:00