Mon - Sun 24hr +233 34202 3021 || +233 4202 3031 || +233 34202
Trusted By
800+ Patients Daily
Award Winning Hospital
Best Regional Hospital
Number #1
In the Eastern


About Department

The department is responsible for the general administration as well as support services in the Hospital through the formulation of policies for effective management of support service programmes.  
1. The coordination of information, the provision of support and guidance for the design of strategies in collaboration with other Departments visions for the prudent development of  health provision infrastructure consistent with service delivery priorities 
2. The initiation, award and monitoring of the effective implementation of contracts for transport, equipment and infrastructure provision
3. Ensure the availability of support services for the effective and efficient delivery of functions of the Hospital
4. Ensure the provision, maintenance and upgrade of all transport, facilities and equipment of the Hospital


The Head of Administration is responsible for the core functions of the Department and exercise of authority by the Department is derived from and consistent  with her responsibilities as well as authority delegated by the immediate superior. In effect, the superior authority of the Hospital Director guides the exercise of authority but the coordination and development of strategies for the execution of the core functions is the responsibility of the Head of Administration and her deputies.  
They coordinates and mediates departmental and interdepartmental issues.   
1. Initiates and implements administrative improvement schemes and cost-reduction programmes in     the Hospital;
2. Determines appropriate levels, specification, procurement and replacement of equipment and     transport consistent with national policy and Ghana Health Service requirements 
3. Monitor and supervise all building and construction projects meant for the Hospital to ensure value     for money
4. Prepares and periodically updates infrastructure and equipment situations and specifications for     the Hospital in collaboration with the Estate Unit 
5. Pursues the development and implementation of adequate proficiency programmes to improve the     recruitment and competence of staff in secretarial and security support, estates and equipment     maintenance in the Hospital  in collaboration with the HRD Division 
6. Ensures the proper acquisition and take custody of the documentation of all estates and     belongings of the Hospital once these have been acquired
7. Develops procedures for undertaking planned and routine maintenance by all levels
Under General Administration departments are the following units:
Transport, Biomedical Engineering, Laundry, CSSD, Mortuary, Human Resource, Estates, Security,
Procurement, Stores, Orderly, and Environment.



Vision : Our dream and aspiration is to enhance health services delivery through excellence in transport management. 


Mission : Our primary mission is to ensure the availability and reliability of transport as an essential logistic for the delivery of health services; and to do this in the most cost  
effective and efficient manner.


Functional Responsibilities
The Unit is responsible for the following:
• Implementation of GHS transport management policy and general management of transport     resources
• Prepare the Hospital’s Transport Procurement Budget, including annual procurement plan
• Advise on vehicle procurement and allocation
• Develop and maintain inventory of all the Hospital’s fleet of vehicles
• Ensure the compliance of GHS Transport Policy and other operational documents
• Operate Planned Preventive Maintenance for all  fleet of vehicles
• Produce Transport Management Performance report at specified periods for management 
• Assess and determine the Human Resources needs of the Department and advise on training and     recruitment of staff     
• Advise and initiate vehicle specifications, disposal and replacement
• Any other transport related matters assigned


Our General Strategy
To provide an adequate fleet of all types of vehicles, well maintained, managed to support priority health interventions. These vehicles
shall be run by highly trained and motivated personnel.
Strategic Role of Transport in Health Services Delivery
The general roles of transport in the Hospital are outlined as follows:
• Primary health care (PHC) services (immunization, health education, disease surveillance, rural outreach services, etc)
• Patient Transportation (Transfers and Pre-Hospital Care)
• Monitoring and supervision
• Haulage of medical logistics
• Specialist Outreach Services
• General administrative assignments
 The unit is entrusted with the responsibility for managing the human resource of the Hospital. One important role of the unit is to improve personnel  management and to facilitate the large volume of in-service training necessary to support the Hospital. It develops administrative capacity for personnel  administration at all levels for appraisal, promotion etc. 
Objectives of the unit
1. To implement Ghana Heath Service HR strategies and to facilitate effective recruitment, training     and manpower development to ensure the optimum availability and utilization of personnel within     the hospital
2. Ensure the continuous professional development of the staff of  Hospital in order to improve quality     and efficiency in health service delivery
3. Administrate salaries and personnel management issue
Functional Responsibilities and Authority
1. Establishes and maintains systems and procedures for planning, training and manpower     development for the Hospital
2. Provides guidance in determining training needs of all categories of workers in the Hospital and     ensures that appropriate training programmes are developed and implemented 
3. implement and maintains systems and procedures for the promotion, retirement, co-operation and     advancement in all personnel affairs to ensure fairness and consistency in the treatment of staff of     the Facility 
4. Oversees the recruitment, selection and placement of new staff and monitors the progress of     newly-engaged staff, to ensure that they become efficient and committed to their work within the     Facility 
5. Establishes and maintains an efficient personnel records-keeping system to promote easy     accessibility to and retrieval of files
6. Determines appropriate manpower levels consistent with organizational requirements and pursues     the development and implementation of adequate proficiency programmes to improve the     competence of staff in the Facility 
7. Co-ordinates and collates training and manpower development budget and when approved,     institutes measures to back up its implementation 
8. Keeps and updates records on the training history of all staff.
The Estate unit is part of the numerous units that helps in providing services to help the day-to-day running of the hospital and is headed by Mr. AKO NAI EMMANUEL (Snr. Estate Officer) with a Bsc. In Quantity Surveying and Construction Economics. The head of the  unit therefore combines the estate, construction and quantities aspect of the field which makes him a self-centered, firm and hardworking man who takes his job very serious as a result of creating a health and serene environment for both staff of the hospital and clients.  
The Estate Management Unit of The Eastern Regional Hospital is directly responsible for the implementation of Policies such as Planned Preventive Maintenance, Reactive/Corrective Maintenance, Capital Investment and ensuring a clean well maintained facility to our Clients,  
Staff and Visitors.
Mission Statement
To improve the quality of life and health status of the people of the Eastern Region through routine Planned Preventive Maintenance Program, Capital  Investment Program  of  Hospital Estates, Equipment and In-service training in Preventive Maintenance in  the Eastern Regional Hospital    
The unit is headed by the Snr. Estate Officer with Five (5) sub-units namely: 
1. Carpentry and Joinery
2. Masonry
3. Plumbing
4. Electrical
5. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
Core Functions of the Unit
1. The Estate Unit provides Technical and Supervisory Support to the Hospital regarding Infrastructure     and Equipment management.
2. The Unit secures documentation of all properties of the Hospital including Asset Register.
3. The Unit assists in providing Accommodation to Staff.
4. The Unit Represents the Hospital in procurement process of all capital programs and projects.
5. To develop a well-defined maintenance system for the Hospital.
To be added to the core functions are the following services being provided:
1. Carryout maintenance activities in the hospital and residences
2. Facility Improvement and Expansion Works
3. Rehabilitation of some Residential Accommodations
4. Renting of Accommodation for Staff
5. The unit also takes charge of utilities of some premises of the hospital.
• Prompt response to maintenance request by artisans, any delay would be due to inability to obtain materials on time.
• Rehabilitation works at the Acheampong Guesthouse.
• Rehabilitation of the hospital’s X-ray.
• Construction of concrete platform for the entrance of the gas station
• Fixing of glazed doors at both main entrance of the theatre and labour ward.
• Installation of collapsible grills for the entrance of both ENT and Eye Clinic.
• Construction of notice board at main Pharmacy.
• Construction of the hospital canteen (in progress)
• Rehabilitation works at the following places
• Staff quarters A4
• Medical village No. D9 boys quarters
• Emergency quarters
• Medical village No. D13
• Internal painting works at the Offices of the Administration Block
• Painting of the casualty
• Painting works at IT Office
The procurement unit is headed by Mr. Amadu Achel who was employed in 2003 into the service. He holds Msc. Supply Chain Management (Ghana Telecom University), B’com (UCC), and HND Purchasing and Supply (Accra Polytechnic). He is a  member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (MCIPS) UK. The procurement unit is one of the most effective and  efficient units of the hospital. 
Job Purpose
To ensure effective procurement of goods, works, and technical services.
Main Duties And Responsibilities
1. Preparation of yearly procurement plan
2. Sourcing items using the correct procurement threshold and method
3 Preparing and maintaining procurement documentation’s according to ACT 663
4. Drafting of Invitation To Tender(ITT) for National Competitive Tender(NCT) and Request For     Quotations(RFQ)
5. Evaluation of Tenders both NCT and RFQs, and responsible for the evaluation report
6. Drafting of award letters
7. Updating of procurement request
8. Contract management and follow up on award letters
9. Any other job assigned to the unit


1. Reduction of shortages of medicine and non-medicine consumables
2. Maintaining proper supply database
3. Maintaining relationship with both external and internal customers
4. Successful preparation of yearly procurement plan
5. Effective organization of yearly evaluation of NCTs
6. Yearly publication of NCTs as required by law (ACT 663)  
Job Purpose : Ensure efficient and effective supply of Health Logistics to various user departments in the Hospital 
Category of Stores
1. Main stores                             
2. Laboratory stores
3. X-ray stores
4. Catering stores
5. Stationery stores
6. Low vision stores
7. Disinfectant stores
8. Dental stores
9. Maintenance (estate) stores
10. Donation stores

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Although pulmonary medicine only began to evolve as a medical specialty in the 1950s, William Welch and William Osler founded the ‘parent’ organization of the American Thoracic Society, the National Association.

    Department Address

    Box KF 201 Behind ECG, Koforidua

    +233 30420 23021

    Department Hours

    Monday - Friday08:00 - 20:00
    Saturday09:00 - 14:00